The greatest challenge to successfully meeting all the criteria required to earn the CVA credential is completing the Case Study. This process requires the Candidate to perform a business valuation based on a sample Case Study provided by NACVA. It is a lot of work, and if this is the first business valuation you have performed, it can feel daunting at times. Notice, there is no mention of obtaining a passing score. That is because our experience has shown that Candidates who have gone through NACVA’s recommended Business Valuation Certification and Training Center who complete the Case Study, generally do a great job on their report and obtain a passing score.
Report Reviewers: Once one has risen to the challenge and completed the valuation report, you may desire to have the report reviewed by one of our esteemed Report Reviewers prior to submission for constructive feedback and fine tuning your report for greater assurance you will receive a passing score. Also, there are instances where one does not receive a passing score for which we highly recommend you engage one of our Report Reviewers to guide you through to a passing score. The fee to obtain this service is $200, whether the service is provided prior to submission or after submission and having received a failing score. Reviewers receive a fee for this service.
Graders: NACVA has a team of Graders whose job is to grade valuation reports prepared and submitted by Candidates based on the NACVA issued Case Study or prepared by the Candidate on behalf of a client. Graders use a standardized scoring key and are paid for this service. Some Graders also provide Report Reviewer services as well, but we do not allow the Grader who has graded a failing report to also provide the Report Reviewer service because that opens the possibility for a debate between the Candidate and the Grader. NACVA has other avenues for Candidates who disagree with a failing score (see the CVA/MAFF Candidate Handbook).
Only seasoned veterans in the valuation profession can qualify to be a Report Reviewer or Grader. They are the best of the best and come primarily from NACVA’s deep bench of instructors and members. Our promise to our Candidates is, if you truly want to earn the CVA credential and you take advantage of our Report Reviewer services, you will obtain a passing score on your Case Study.
Below are the links to assist with engaging in this process:
Application and criteria to be a Report Reviewer or Grader (along with the compensation package)